I’m working on a new photography project in the Piti mahogany forest. My first twelve images are available for preview. Let me know what you think.
Author: Christopher Harper
Building my website, not their websites
You'll find attention on social media sites. And you'll be rewarded for using the tools they provide. But where can we find your permanent online archive?
Knowledge is available, if we’d only use it
Many online discussions about issues of the day could use a good dose of reality. People of integrity build their positions on a framework of knowledge.
Mahogany forest floor
This particular section of the Mahogany forest in Piti is littered with snail shells. Most are sun-bleached and partially buried in the dark brown soil.
World War II historical sites
This M4 Sherman tank is one of the more photographed relics from the World War II on Guam. I just visited the site for the first time a few months ago.
Recently fallen
The jungle floor is covered in leaf litter. I usually search for color and contrast within the various shades of brown. Yesterday I found some in Piti.
The unfulfilled promise of algorithms
I was a social media early-adopter. I had personal accounts and ran professional campaigns from the start. I was optimistic. But algorithms have failed.
In jungle shadows
A dark section of jungle on the Sella River leads to bright, sunny Sella Bay. Its contrast makes this area beautiful and exceedingly difficult to photograph.
Rock and red dirt
In the red, eroded badlands behind Leo Palace, you'll also find this light-colored rock. The stain of the red soil is exposed when the rocks crack and break.