Some digital businesses have a difficult time choosing a business model. If they just started with a fair monthly fee, everything would be fine. Seriously.
Tag: Web Development
I built my first WordPress site on version 1.2 in 2004, have designed and managed many large professional site networks, and taught college HTML and CSS.
I didn’t care enough to make this myself
Many more commentaries would be published if I could just avoid all this bothersome thinking, writing, reading, and publishing. Is this a job for AI?
Doubling down on human creativity
We're discussing algorithms, artificial intelligence, and social media again. Reservations abound. Consider a few of them with me in this commentary.
I don’t collect analytics data
The numbers don't matter. Well, some of the numbers don't matter. Allow me to explain why I collect words-written stats, but not website visitor stats.
You don’t know me, but sign up for my stuff
Too many website owners use analytics to justify poor decisions. An opening screen with a newsletter signup, as far as I can tell, fits into this category.
Get the team on board with new tech
Organization-wide technology upgrades present a number of key challenges. This outline may help leaders and teams to succeed in projects of this type.
Embrace the web, abandon social media
I'm reading as much good stuff as ever on the web these days, but rarely using social media. You may want to consider how I do this using an RSS reader.
Building my website, not their websites
You'll find attention on social media sites. And you'll be rewarded for using the tools they provide. But where can we find your permanent online archive?
The unfulfilled promise of algorithms
I was a social media early-adopter. I had personal accounts and ran professional campaigns from the start. I was optimistic. But algorithms have failed.