Recently fallen

Recently fallen

The jungle floor is covered in leaf litter. I usually search for color and contrast within the various shades of brown. Yesterday I found some in Piti.

In jungle shadows

In jungle shadows

A dark section of jungle on the Sella River leads to bright, sunny Sella Bay. Its contrast makes this area beautiful and exceedingly difficult to photograph.

Rock and red dirt

Rock and red dirt

In the red, eroded badlands behind Leo Palace, you'll also find this light-colored rock. The stain of the red soil is exposed when the rocks crack and break.

All the ingredients

All the ingredients

Guam's jungle is chaotic and beautiful. I'm on an endless quest to minimize the chaos, while capturing the beauty. This 2023 honorable mention almost does it.

A single bloom

A single bloom

Invasive and ubiquitous on Guam, I rarely photograph Chain of Love, but this fallen bloom was situated so uniquely it became a 2023 honorable mention.

A Walk by the River

A walk by the river

As a young adult, I spent many hours in this area on the Spokane River. Today's 2023 honorable mention is from our family trip to Washington this summer.