After many hikes to this location, I made my first image inside Pågat caves. I opened the shutter for two seconds, illuminating the scene with headlamps.
Category: Images
Guam is a wonderful place to live and explore. I document my life and exploration here with a digital camera. And I shoot nearly every day.
It tells a story
I’m not convinced every image must “tell a story,” but some can’t help it. This sea-hibiscus has fallen on the hiking trail. You know the rest.
Reaching for the sea
Deborah and I spent part of a recent day off walking to the old Hila’an village site near Tumon. I stopped to photograph this unusual piece of driftwood.
Wrapping up vacation
I’m happy with around 40 images taken during my vacation. I’ll be sharing many of them in an upcoming post. They are the result of ten sessions in Piti.
It’s coming together
This is one of the final images from my mahogany forest project. I've ordered sample prints and am now working on the preliminary book text and layout.
First time visitor
We visited Alutom Falls for the first time this weekend. After passing the trail leading there several times over the years, we finally made it this time!
Right on schedule
I've been on vacation for a week and my mahogany forest project is coming along nicely. Today I concentrated on broader scenes that provide context.
Vacation project
The mahogany forest in Piti has provided consistent photographic inspiration. I'm spending a portion of my vacation looking for intimate landscapes there.
Just a bit of rope
An early morning walk on the beach reveals items washed ashore by the ocean. In this case, a short piece of rope, perhaps of nautical use at some point.