After many hikes to this location, I made my first image inside Pågat caves. I opened the shutter for two seconds, illuminating the scene with headlamps.
Author: Christopher Harper
It tells a story
I’m not convinced every image must “tell a story,” but some can’t help it. This sea-hibiscus has fallen on the hiking trail. You know the rest.
Owning the views we express
I've been thinking about this statement for a while: "I don't quote from a book until I own the ideas of the author for myself." Today, I try to explain.
Reaching for the sea
Deborah and I spent part of a recent day off walking to the old Hila’an village site near Tumon. I stopped to photograph this unusual piece of driftwood.
Developing a personal mission statement
I adopted a personal mission statement back in 2005. It has become the daily action plan to fulfill my purpose. This is the story of its development.
Doubling down on human creativity
We're discussing algorithms, artificial intelligence, and social media again. Reservations abound. Consider a few of them with me in this commentary.
It’s just not for me
American football fans may object! This commentary explains how I found a helpful phrase that applies to sports and countless other matters of opinion.
I don’t collect analytics data
The numbers don't matter. Well, some of the numbers don't matter. Allow me to explain why I collect words-written stats, but not website visitor stats.
This is not a good commentary
I'm not the right person to judge the quality of my own creative work. When I click publish, all I want to know is whether or not I am happy with it.